
Dealing with Leaking Pipes and Other Problems

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Dealing with Leaking Pipes and Other Problems

Welcome to my blog. My name is Richard and this is my new blog. In this blog, I will be discussing the various types of DIY work you can carry out in your home to keep its plumbing system in top shape. I will also be detailing the situations when you should call in an emergency plumber. Until a few years ago, I didn't know a thing about plumbing but all that changed when a pipe began to leak in my home. The plumber was great and he passed on some great advice which I would like to share via this page. Enjoy!


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Home Heating Emergencies: Solutions to Keep the Cold at Bay

When your home heating system fails, it can quickly become an emergency, leaving you shivering in the cold. In these situations, it's crucial to act swiftly to restore warmth and comfort to your home. This blog post will provide you with fast solutions to keep the cold at bay during home heating emergencies.

1. Check the Thermostat

Start troubleshooting your home heating emergency by checking the thermostat. Ensure it's set to the desired temperature and in the heating mode. If it's battery-operated, replace the batteries to rule out a simple power issue. A malfunctioning thermostat can often be the culprit behind heating problems.

2. Inspect the Circuit Breaker

If your heating system isn't turning on at all, head over to your electrical panel and check the circuit breaker. A tripped breaker can disrupt the power supply to your heating system. Locate the breaker labelled for your heating system and reset it by flipping it off and then on again. If the breaker keeps tripping, it's a sign of an electrical issue that should be inspected by a professional.

3. Check Air Filters

Clogged air filters can hinder airflow and reduce the efficiency of your home heating system. Locate the air filters in your system and inspect them for dirt, dust, and debris. If they appear dirty or clogged, replace them with new ones. Clean air filters allow for proper airflow, ensuring your system can generate and distribute warm air effectively.

5. Bleed Radiators

If you have a hot water radiator system, trapped air can prevent proper heating. Bleeding the radiators is a simple process that involves releasing the trapped air. Use a radiator key or a flathead screwdriver to open the air valve on each radiator. Be cautious, as hot water may be released. Once you hear a hissing sound, close the valve. Bleeding the radiators will improve their performance and ensure efficient heat distribution.

6. Call a Professional

If you've gone through the above steps and your home heating system still isn't functioning correctly, it's time to call a plumber. They have the expertise and tools to diagnose and repair complex heating system issues. Attempting complex repairs yourself can lead to further damage or safety hazards.


Home heating emergencies require prompt attention to prevent discomfort and potential damage. By following these fast solutions, you can quickly restore warmth and comfort to your home. If you're unsure about any step or encounter a more serious issue, don't hesitate to reach out to a contractor for assistance.

Reach out to a heating repair professional for more advice.